Being authentic is the key to your abundant success. Here is some executive coaching for women leaders (based on 10 years research)
Authentic | Non-authentic |
Speaks her truth | Keeps quiet to keep the peace |
Looks for opportunities to shine | Keeps head down and gets on with her work |
Works towards an exciting vision | Works for money |
Takes care of herself emotionally, physically and mentally | Suffers with high stress levels |
Tries to listen and understand | Judges and criticises people and takes a fixed position |
Makes a decision from her center | Doesn’t know the different between her centre and her head |
Sits with a challenge until the process brings peace | Reacts to a external stressors and is sometimes embarrassed about outbursts |
Manages time (families/partners and work) in a structured way | Never has enough time and never knows what’s important |
Lives and leads by her values | Doesn’t really know what her values are |
Makes decisions based on values | Easily influenced by others opinions |
Feels certain most of the time | Feels uncertain most of the time |
Knows how to manage fear | Lets fear stop her |