Productivity Guaranteed

(What I learnt from C-Suite Execs over 15 years as a leadership expert) Like everything in life there, being effective and reaching your goals, isn’t luck or chance but science and method. I have had the tremendous gift of 15 years’ experience working with Corporate Executives in my Life Design seminars, Leadership Development frameworks and… Continue reading Productivity Guaranteed

Women Leaders Need an Organisation That Supports Them as Women

I was floundering for most of last week with questions like ‘why am I trying to change the world when I could be having a simple life and spending time with my family?’ I know that you too, as women leaders, have such thoughts constantly. Not because you have dramatic incidents, necessarily, but because you… Continue reading Women Leaders Need an Organisation That Supports Them as Women

Michelle Obama Inspires Girls to Become Women Leaders

In April 2009, Michelle Obama made only one speech during her trip to London and that was at a girls-only, inner-city school, its pupils, of whom 20% are the children of refugees or asylum seekers, speak a total of 55 different languages and 92% of whom are from a black or minority background. And then,… Continue reading Michelle Obama Inspires Girls to Become Women Leaders

Women in Leadership at Home and at Work

Isn’t it the truth that just as your career begins to really take off, you also arrive at an age where you are responsible for ageing parents and/or time hungry teenagers? the demands of a business combined with the demands of GCSE’s and A levels plus subsequent and natural teenage rebellion have sometimes felt like… Continue reading Women in Leadership at Home and at Work

Authentic Living (Leadership)

  Being authentic is the key to your abundant success. Here is some executive coaching for women leaders (based on 10 years research) Authentic Non-authentic Speaks her truth Keeps quiet to keep the peace Looks for opportunities to shine Keeps head down and gets on with her work Works towards an exciting vision Works for… Continue reading Authentic Living (Leadership)

5 Years from now…Where will you be?

You have probably already heard Tom Daley’s secret to success. When he took to the diving board for his final dive, it was far more than just the culmination of years of hard work and training. It was a moment he had dreamed of since he was nine years old. The eighteen year old 10-meter… Continue reading 5 Years from now…Where will you be?

Can Women Really Have it All?

You may have seen Anne-Marie’s recent Article in the Atlantic which has already caused a lot of controversy and many people have blogged about it and commented in varying polarised ways. Here is my take: This was written in response to a blog from a leading corporation ‘It was easier when the children were younger as I… Continue reading Can Women Really Have it All?

Women In Leadership – 6 Distinguishing Characteristics Of Success

Have you ever wondered why some women seem to be able to ‘have it all’ with ease and grace? Well I have the answers because over the past decade I have had the privilege of working with thousands of women all over the world in seminars, workshops and through coaching.  I noticed common themes coming… Continue reading Women In Leadership – 6 Distinguishing Characteristics Of Success

The case for women leaders

I just listened to this on Women’s Hour on Radio 4 – an interview with the fabulous female Icelandic financier Halla Tomosdottir. A stunning bunch of articulate, focussed women — furious that their country and their lives had been compromised by a small bunch of almost exclusively male wideboys. The wild risks these bankers took… Continue reading The case for women leaders