How do you keep your job?

Breaking news ….I just managed to persuade another phenomenal woman to come and speak on the 25th November at the F Word event …
She calls herself an ordinary girl from Scotland and yet she works with the Royal Family and has her own product range in Tesco’s.

More about Denise later! First, I just got this question in one of my coaching Mastermind groups:

‘At a time of financial challenge in the workplace and the looming cutbacks, does anybody have any tips on ‘differentiating’ themselves more positively in the workplace?’

How do you keep your job? How do you stay ahead of the game?

How do you start your own business and make six figures in the first year following redundancy?

How do you get to the point where you feel like shouting …..

‘Redundancy, Geronimo, bring it on!

I promised you that we will help you manage and control any kind of fear, inner saboteur or phobia if you join us for this amazing day

 More details here

But the truth is ….it’s better than that! You will leave with more power, charisma, high energy …

…and if you want to make sure that you keep your job, get a promotion, start or grow a business, then these are the personal qualities you need in bucket loads.

Don’t kid yourself that having ‘good skills’ is enough because it never has been and now it is even more important that you take control of the fear that might be holding you back.

And you can!

Somebody who did take control of her destiny and literally created life exactly the way she wanted it, despite some horrendous set-backs, is Denise McAdam (hairdresser to the Royal Family)

I have known Denise for many years and she is one of the most inspirational women I know and she is coming on the 25th …

…to talk about… how she dealt with her own fear to get to where she is today. Denise was recently awarded the Royal Victoria Medal.

 You can read more about Denise here

You will absolutely love hearing Denise talk about her journey. What she has to say is priceless.

An NLP skill I always press home is ‘learn from the best’ Don’t try to learn quietly or by trial and error…it will take decades!

Find somebody who has already done what you want to do and go and learn from them. (on the 25th you get 4 of them in the same room!)

So, if you have been sitting on the fence regarding making a decision. Now is the time.

Now you are getting 4 world class speakers and experts in the same room, on the same day to share all of their knowledge and wisdom with you.

You will see a live phobia cure. You will discover what it takes to run a business or hold down a successful career.

You will practise practical NLP tools for managing fear of public speaking or board-room presentations and you get to have lunch in a Michelin starred restaurant

…..with other people just like you from every stage in their career, both corporate and entrepreneurial

(and my 18 year old daughter is coming too with her friend (who is scared of spiders!)

What’s holding you back? Remember that procrastination is a form of fear (fear of making the wrong decision) Read more here

Book here now Book here now

Email me if you need a formal flyer for sign off at work. Email me if you would like to take us up on the two tickets for the price of one offer.

Hurry, we have very limited space for our first event and I only have 5 places left.  Book here now

See you on the 25th!

With passion


p.s.. here is that video again from my FEARLESS 15 year old who made this about me (yes, it made me cry!) Fearless parenting = fearless kids

From recent events:
“Wow! what a difference a week makes…

I fair ‘skipped’ into the office on Monday morning – I think they’re wondering who

I am, and what have I done with Liz?!” Liz Scarboro, Herbert Smith

‘Hi Tracey, wow what fantastic talent you have! You are the best trainer I’ve seen and you give SO much. Thank you forever for inviting me.’ Danielle Henderson, TV Presenter, Therapist Harley Street

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